When you purchased from our website you created a user account that will allow you access to our License Maintenance section of our website at any time. That allows you to modify and resend license files at your leisure. To access that page, click on the My Account button in the top right corner of our website and log in. Then, click on the Manage My Licenses button and you will be able to change PC ID or resend your license file. Your user name is your email address that you purchased the license file with. To locate the PC ID click on the Help then the about tab in the software (Mach4 or MillWizard). That will display the PC ID, which you can copy by clicking on the Load to Clipboard button, using Ctrl+C, or right-clicking and selecting Copy. Paste that in the appropriate box using Ctrl+V or right-clickng and choosing Paste. Double check that it matches what is shown in the Help>About window and click 'Add'. That will generate a new license and you will receive a link to download it via email. The same goes for using the Resend button.
Mach3 Licensing: https://youtu.be/POWYiMokRpg
Mach4 Licensing: https://youtu.be/_sSofveXnkQ