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Mach4 Lathe (version, G28 and G30 bug in incremental use
If you program:G28 U0 W0No axis move at all.G28 U5 W5Incremental axis move with the commanded values but no home return!Instead immediate return move with the commanded values.General remark:G28 / G30 are titled as "Zero Return", in the Programming Guide description "Machine Home" and " Home Position" is used. G28 moves the axes to the machine coor…
Mach3 on Windows 11 Installation Folder Permissions Issues
When installing Mach3 into Windows 11 (installing specifically as an administrator from the admin account, and as an administrator for non-admin accounts, and just using the administrator account... yes, I tried a few combinations while sorting this out) the permissions on a number of files are set so that various accounts can't access the files.Th…
Mach 4 No Longer Moving Avid Benchtop PRO CNC
I set up the Mach4 software with my Benchtop PRO and everything was working fine in the DEMO mode. I purchased the license, support had to remote load the file for me because it wouldn't download from the link. Now my Benchtop pro will not move. The ESS is communicating and pinging. I open the Mach 4 software, enable the control, press home x,y,z a…
Homing Issue
I use a XHC mach 4 MK4 motion card, Everything works well, except for the homing macro.When i click on "Reference All Axes" the script start but my motors doesn't move, i have to manually tiggered the home switch to end the macro...
Z-axis only goes down
Everything works the way it should except the z-axis which will only go down. I even had the cnc manufacturer port into my computer and reset mach3 to my machine but when i turned it back on the next day the problem came back! I've also tried loading the backup file he created but it still persists. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Is i…
Mach4 Disabled after trigger a Home Switch
I use a XHC Mach4 MK6 USB Motion Controller. I have no Problems with a Milling Profile, all works fine. With the Plasma Profile the Mach 4 Software get a Error Message: Device Error Triggered, if any Home Switch is triggered and disables the System. The Support will nit fix it because the XHC Motion Controller is not Supported. But i think the Prob…
DRO showing 2x actual moves on all axes - build
I updating to build 4612 several weeks ago, but have not tried to use Mach4 until today.Both jogging and MDI moves are correct, but all DRO are showing exactly twice the correct values (for both MCS and WCS).No other changes have been made except to select Follow Units Mode to correct the 25.4x error when jogging (Machine setup units and Units mode…
Very serious BUG with Modbus and Register plugins
MACH4 is after software version you set any Modbus plugins connection, after restarting MACH4,Then any settings of your Register plugins will disappear, and of course it cannot be called.But Machine.ini still has registered plug-in information.If you delete all Modbus plugins connection, restart MACH4,The value of the Register plugins…
Cursor keys move machine, even when Mach4 is not active app
Perhaps this is a feature, but presumably something that can be disabled?When I have Mach4 running, if I use the cursor keys in other apps on my computer (eg, web browser, PDF reader), the machine moves.It's like Mach4 has "captured" the cursor keys. This does not happen in Mach3, this is the first time I have used Mach 4.
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'z' limit switch triggered
can't get started cutting any job, because every time I start the cycle, spindle travels upward, triggers limit switch. I am a new user with little training/experience - very confusing.
Tables wont show
When i select tool table or Fixture table on mach 4 hobby, they wont show up.They appear on the task bar in windows as a stack of Mach4 icons but i cant maximize them.
Probing Calaberation X and Y Error
Probe is not seen and overrides settings when you click on th Calaberation x and button. If you run G31 X F5 it works fine.Boots-2b1
E-stop faulty
hello,Last week our engineer find a serious problem with Emergency button function,that when CNC machine executes a function---like Automatic change a tools MDI--"T1M6“”,then we press E-stop button, the software will executes the according (T1M6)to output ---like Output-Open clamp of spindle!please find attached video, then you will check, the CNC…
Units per step wizard will not compile
The steps per unit wizard fails to start due to an error (syntax I think).I have mach 4 and a pmdx 416.
NSIS Installer problem
Mach 4 version 2.0.4162 installer shows error if you have a non-ASCII characters in Windows user name and doesn't start the installation process. When I have created a new user account without such characters than the installer worked fine.This behaviour was observed on :Mach4 : 2.0.4162 Hobby installerOS : 64-bit Windows 10 Home (version 1903)Proc…
Choosing Configure > Control... causes not responding in main window.
Mach 4 to reproduceSelect Configure menuSelect Control...Click on the main window (off of the newly opened modal window)Main window will eventually shows wait cursor with (Not responding) on the main window.The modal now goes to the back and is lost from the user.Seems like the modal might be running on the main thread causing the m…
Debugging check failed
Mach 4 just moving through the screens and this popped up.Application closed after I clicked stop.There is nothing in the CrashReports folder.
Slaved axis is unaligned! Home the machine before jogging!
Using:Pokeys575 CNC board firmware v4.4.1Mach 4 (licensed)When homing with a Home switch and what Pokeys calls an encoder which accepts the first state change as home works fine for the X and Z axis but on my Y axis there are two motors 1 and 3 (slave)A signal is received for home on both motors but only one one encoder signal was receiv…
Please have a look to the following conversation I had with MachMotion: for your help.